Applying for an Apprenticeship: Five Things You Need To Know

With an apprenticeship programme that is more than 20 years old, here at CPW, we have a collection of inside knowledge for those looking to start their journey.

Below are five things you may need to know when applying for apprenticeships and how to make yourself stand out from the crowd.

1.  When do you need to apply for an apprenticeship by?

Ideally, you want to start your applications as soon as possible to give yourself the best chance of securing your preferred apprenticeships.

At the very latest, you should have your applications finalised by the end of April, with most schemes usually starting in September. Of course, it’s always better to be ahead of the game. At CPW, we look to get started with our interview process straight away, so the earlier the better!

2.  What will help an application stand out?

Work experience is invaluable when it comes to differentiating yourself from others in the application process. Although some may struggle in certain instances to get extensive work experience, even a day or two will help you on your way.

A key thing to remember here is transferable skills – you do not necessarily need to have work experience in the exact field or industry you want to do your apprenticeship in. Skills such as time keeping and problem solving are helpful  in almost any work setting, so make sure these are highlighted in your application and explain how they will benefit you if you were to be successful.

Work experience in the industry you are interested in is hugely beneficial if you have it. Using knowledge you have learnt from that experience will help in assessing your capabilities and how suited you may be to the apprenticeship course.

3. What are some common mistakes to avoid?

For many, filling out application after application can become tiresome and can sometimes result in a lack of attention to detail.

Preferably, you want to be applying for apprenticeships you really want to be successful in, and in turn you’ll be making sure you are clued up on what the company values are and what they do as a business. When you begin an apprenticeship, you become part of a team, and knowing what that team does, even generally, is important to get across when completing your application.

However, do not treat a company's website as gospel, even paraphrasing text from a company's website will be noticed. This does not mean do not read its website, absolutely do, but take that information and use it in a way that relates back to you and your understanding in your application.

As you may have done at school or college, having someone else proofread your work has more importance than you may think. Small issues such as spelling errors or grammar inconsistencies in your apprenticeship applications may be the deciding factor between you and someone else.

4. How many apprenticeships should you apply for?

Apply for as many that are of interest to you. We’ve said this above but applying for apprenticeships you really want to be successful in is the best road to take. People tend to forget that the application process is not a straight line but includes ups and downs along the way. Because of this, many begin to frontload applications in a bid to see an end to the process.

You need to remember that the apprenticeship you are successful with will contribute to several formative years of your life, so it’s best to take the time to apply for opportunities that you are really interested in. We spend a lot of our time at work – you should be doing something you enjoy!

5. Who can help you with an application?

There are many avenues to go down when it comes to support with apprenticeship applications.

Your first port of call may be the employability advisor at your school or college, who will have expert knowledge on how to begin the application process, along with support as you go through it. Teachers or tutors can also prove to be highly valuable when it comes to supporting you with your next steps.

Outside of your education setting, there is a host of useful support platforms online that you can look at. The government’s apprenticeship site gives detailed insight on the application process and even offers support on attending your first day at an apprenticeship. For more information on this, head to the government apprentice support site.

The company itself, that you are applying for an apprenticeship with, is also an option – especially when it comes to possible work experience ahead of your application process. They may offer some insider tips and tricks for what they look for in an application that could help you. Here at CPW, we certainly do not shy away from offering help to those that need it if we can – so don’t be afraid to reach out directly and display your confidence.

For more information on our apprenticeship programme, go to our apprenticeship page.


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