CPW Rebrand

At the start of 2020, before the world was turned upside down by the Covid-19 pandemic, CPW engaged with Notepad to commence our rebranding journey and help translate our complete offering to our audiences. 

From the outset our objectives were to communicate our position in the market, creating a brand that could grow and prosper for many years to come. CPW think and act like innovators, therefore we needed a brand to match our ambition. 

CPW is unlike any other M&E practice in the market. We have great people and a culture that makes CPW one of the most warm, energetic and exciting places to work. This simply had to be a central feature of our new brand, alongside our strong, environmentally-driven purpose. Helping make engineering feel more human and approachable. 

To achieve this we needed to create a new visual system based on a set of clear, simple and consistent brand characteristics. Reinforcing CPW’s brand strategy, identity and messaging to make us feel more relevant and appealing to our audiences both nationally and internationally. 

With the completion of the rebrand and the big public reveal, on our new website, we now feel that CPW is in an even better position to deliver upon our freshly articulated purpose. Minimising the impact buildings have on the world, whilst maximising the enjoyment people get from them. 

We want to build a community of people and businesses who are ready to work towards our ‘Zero-Carbon’ buildings’ ambition. And the rebrand will help lay the foundations to engage a wider audience moving forwards and truly reflect who we are as an organisation. 

We encourage you to explore our website where you can experience the new brand in full. From the stunning visual identity to our mission and approach. You can also gain access to our new e-book, CPW - Our Blueprint for Responsible Engineering by following the download link provided. 

Thank you from the CPW team


COP26 - 01/11/21


Responsible Approach