Reflecting on INWED: Celebrating Women Engineers at CPW

 International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), is a celebration of the amazing work that female engineers around the world are doing for our built environment. Now in its ninth year, INWED is the only platform of its kind, playing a vital role in encouraging more young women and girls to enter the field of engineering. This year’s INWED theme was ‘innovations and inventors,’ and highlighted the best, brightest, and bravest women in engineering who are helping to build a brighter future.

 The latest figures from the Women’s Engineering Society (WES) show that women account for just under 13% of the workforce and less than 18% of the higher apprentices currently in the engineering and manufacturing sector. 

 CPW is committed to supporting women engineers at all levels so they can achieve their goals. We invest in the next generation through our apprenticeship scheme and nurture the fantastic talent already working with us. As INWED comes to a close, we have profiled a few of the fantastic women at the heart of our business, highlighting their many and varied achievements and successes. We encourage anyone with an interest in the industry to consider a career in engineering.

Niamh Luck – Design Engineer

Why did you choose a career in engineering?

When I undertook aptitude testing during my A-levels, construction came up as a suitable career. I enjoy problem solving and creative thinking, so it was a natural fit. These traits are crucial in my current role as a building services engineer.

What is your role/responsibilities?

I am a design engineer and mainly work within the healthcare sector to provide new-build or refurbished facilities for the NHS. My responsibilities include office-based design activities for Mechanical Services (such as ventilation and heating), as well as attending meetings and site visits to discuss ongoing projects.

What is the most rewarding/favourite thing about your job?

I really enjoy how varied my role is and that no two days are the same. I get to work with many different people on all levels which is interesting! Healthcare is quite specialised, and each project brings its own unique challenges – I enjoy finding ways to solve issues and provide the best solution.


 Hannah Beirne – Associate, Innovations and Sustainability

Why did you choose a career in engineering?

I am passionate about the role that sustainability plays in engineering. I joined CPW for two week’s work experience after getting my Masters in Climate Systems Science, and, almost 10 years later, I’m still here and running CPW’s Innovations team.

 What is your role/responsibilities?

The Innovations team makes sure that all CPW projects are as sustainable as possible; using the latest technologies and ways of working to reduce our impact on the planet. We carry out research, advise the engineering teams, and deliver seminars, to ensure that everyone is on the right path towards a sustainable built environment.

 We have also helped several clients create Decarbonisation Plans, identifying the best way to reduce their reliance on fossil fuels.This is crucial in moving towards a zero carbon future as 80% of buildings in 2050 already exist, so decarbonising our existing buildings is key.

 What is the most rewarding/favourite thing about your job?

One of my favourite parts of the job is giving seminars and talking to clients. There’s so much confusing jargon around and everyone has their own sustainable priorities, so it’s great to swap ideas and come to a solution that works best for them and the planet.

 I also love getting out of the office and doing research. I was lucky enough to visit COP in Glasgow last year, and next week the team are in Cornwall to look at the geothermal plant at the Eden Centre.


Kamila Wiatr – Electrical Design Engineer

Why did you choose a career in engineering?

I am from Poland where almost half of the employees working in science are female. I joined CPW as a graduate engineer and moved to the firm’s London office the following year. As I have strong mathematical skills, it felt only natural to pursue a career in engineering.

What is your role/responsibilities?

I am responsible for all aspects of electrical design within project management, delivering technical solutions and working closely with the wider design team to ensure client satisfaction.

What is the most rewarding/favourite thing about your job?

At CPW, I have worked with engineers from all over the world, from the UK to Poland, Hungary, Cyprus, Nepal, and Jamaica. It’s all about being true to our profession and embracing backgrounds and cultures that allow us to bring something new to the table.  

I believe the company you work for adds significant value in shaping the individual you are, both as an engineer and as an empowered woman. CPW prides itself in working as a diverse community with a collaborative approach that is advancing the construction sector in the present and long into the future too.


Zoe Fittock - Trainee Apprentice

Why did you choose a career in engineering?

Apprenticeships have always been an attractive option for many, including myself, and are increasingly seen as a strong rival to higher education, providing the valuable skills and real-world experience needed for success in the construction sector. Authentic on-the-job learning and an opportunity to earn while you learn was a definite factor in my decision to pursue an engineering apprenticeship.

What is your role/responsibilities?

I am working towards industry-recognised qualifications with the full support of experienced engineers at the firm. This means taking a hands-on approach and being actively involved on projects at all levels. I receive ongoing training in technical engagement, working with a range of mentors across the company.

What is the most rewarding/favourite thing about your job?

For me, it’s being given the opportunity to specialise in a range of areas, but also CPW’s expertise and ethos. It’s great to know you’re not just an employee, but a member of the team, working with colleagues to reach a common goal. CPW is also focused on sustainability. Working for a company that is actively making a difference is a great feeling. I’m looking forward to making a positive impact through my work.



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