Great St. Mary’s Church Refurbishment

Client: Diocese of Ely / University of Cambridge


Our Approach

The prestigious Great St Mary’s Church is the university church for Cambridge University and was originally built in the late 1400’s.

Our team worked closely with the Conservation Architect and English Heritage to ensure that all refurbishment work preserved and complemented the existing layout and aesthetic.

The extent of the work included alterations to the west entrance and refurbishment of the vicar’s vestry, the clock tower, toilets and offices.

The project, which included the introduction of a number of bespoke features, presented a number of challenges that required meticulous attention to detail.

A series of crafted counter balance units were fitted to allow the specialist church lighting to be lowered for maintenance and lamp replacements.

Use of a wireless fire alarm system minimised the number of cables, preserving fabric and aesthetic.

High efficiency long-life lamps were used to reduce maintenance and also acted as temperature control for the main church organ.

Despite architectural, conservation and fabric constraints, we worked to provide elegant bespoke solutions to achieve all of the client’s aims.




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