Stansted Airport College

Client: Stansted Airport & Harlow College


Our Approach


Stansted Airport College asked CPW to design and develop their innovative new build two-storey facility combining teaching space, workshops, and breakout rooms to enable students to learn STEM subjects and specialist airport roles from engineering and supply chain management to customer service - all in a college at Stansted Airport, the first of its kind in the country.

The building, being adjacent to the runway and near the M11, presented challenges in terms of acoustics that required early and careful consideration. We used noise attenuating materials to form the building envelope, which also improved the thermal performance.

As opening windows were not feasible, the building was mechanically ventilated using high efficiency plant and heat recovery systems that recuperate up to 80% of the energy.

Restrictions on photovoltaic panels and brise soleil also required some alternative strategies.

CPW builds projects that find new ways to minimise energy consumption, and this project was no different. The building envelope retains heat in winter and prevents overheating in summer, high efficiency motion sensor LED lighting throughout ensures that electricity is only used where necessary and heat recovery devices recuperate 80% of the heat from extracted air to keep teaching rooms warm.

The thermal efficiency and air tightness of the building not only exceeded building regulations but drastically reduced demand for heating and running costs.


Mathematical Sciences Building


John Taylor Free School