Collaborative Teaching Laboratory
Client: University of Birmingham

Our Approach
The Collaborative Teaching Laboratory is a two phase project, part of the regeneration of the University of Birmingham’s Edgbaston campus, which brings together practical teaching activities across a range of science and engineering to significantly enhance the student experience.
Phase 2 is a new 6,700m² building housing large wet lab, dry lab, and e-lab environments, seating over 500 students in total.
Energy efficiency was at the heart of this project, so natural light was prioritised. The front of the building is characterised by a large angled brise soleil to control the associated solar gain, with detailed computer modelling used to determine the exact size and position.
Automatic lighting controls encourage as much use of natural light as possible.
Laboratory ventilation uses a high efficiency VAV system with heat recovery on exhausts.
The installation includes 207m² of high efficiency photovoltaic panels providing clean, free power.
The building function demands extensive and complex MEP systems, but despite these heavily serviced element we have still met the University’s stringent standards for environmental impact, including:
BREEAM Excellent rating
EPC A rating
Air tightness below 3m³/m²/hr @ 50Pa