CPW is excited to attend UKREiiF 2023

The CPW team is delighted to be attending UKREiiF in Leeds from 16th-18th May, an event to bring together the public sector, investors, funders, developers, housebuilders and industry specialists.

Expecting more than 6,000 attendees this year, the aim of the UK’s Real Estate Investment and Infrastructure Forum (UKREiiF) is to connect people, places and businesses to accelerate and unlock sustainable, inclusive and transformational investment in the UK.

Director and Northern region lead Gareth Moad said: “It’s great to see an event of this scale on the doorstep of our Leeds office. We’re looking forward to making some new connections and strengthening our links with UK regions.

“We are particularly excited to attend this event for a number of reasons. Firstly, for its clear focus on sustainability. If we have any hope of tackling climate change and meeting the UK net zero target, we need all areas of the industry to work together for a more sustainable future. Events like these that bring such a wide range of industry professionals together are critical for furthering these conversations, learning from best practice, and finding synergies and routes to support each other.

“Secondly, the push to make the event accessible to the next generation is truly commendable. We’ve been really impressed by the encouragement shown to include younger attendees by offering a free under-25s ticket. It’s great to see these incentives that make sure the voices of the next generation are given a platform – it’s their future that we’re building, they need to be included in the conversations. These events are a great opportunity for personal and professional development, particularly for younger members of staff, offering them to chance to build their networks and be inspired by others in the industry.

“We also feel it’s so important to have an event with a UK focus and in particular one that allows each region to discuss what matters most to them. While we’re all working towards the same goals of more sustainable development, the needs of each region are completely different so we need these spaces to better understand how we can best support our clients and their citizens.

“All in all, it’s shaping up to be an interesting few days – we’re really looking forward to it!”

Representing CPW, you will find:


If you are planning to attend UKREiiF 2023, it would be great to meet up. Get in touch!


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