The latest CPW news and views.
CPW Wins Coveted Investors in People Award
We are thrilled to announced that CPW has won the UK Employer of the Year – Silver (250+ employees) category at the prestigious Investors in People Awards 2022.
Planet Mark Certification: Reducing Our Carbon Footprint
We are proud to have achieved the Planet Mark Business Certification for the third year in a row, furthering our commitment to reduce our impact on society.
Senior Mechanical Engineer Featured in Renowned RIBA Journal
Senior Mechanical Engineer, Agata Kępińska, has been featured in RIBA Journal. Her article explores the importance of engaging consistently with all design and delivery partners to achieve a Passivhaus standard project, from tradespeople to architects.
CPW Wins Top CIBSE Award
We are thrilled to announce that CPW has won Employer of the Year (medium category) in the CIBSE Young Engineers Awards. In addition, Design Engineer, Lewis Coleing, scooped second place in the Apprentice of the Year Degree (Level 5-7) category.
Recognition in Prestigious CIBSE Industry Awards
Industry recognition is aplenty at the moment, and we are excited to reveal that we have been shortlisted for two competitive awards – CIBSE Employer of the Year (medium category) and CIBSE Apprentice of the Year.
CPW Shortlisted for Top Employer Award
We are proud to announce that CPW have made the shortlist for the Investors in People UK Employer of the Year – Silver Category. In a record-breaking year for entries, with over 300 submissions, this is an outstanding achievement and one that everyone at CPW is proud of.
Time for Leadership Change in the East Midlands
We are excited to announce the re-structuring of our East Midlands offices with the addition of four big industry names leading the way.
Oxford Office Now Open Following Recent Success in the Region
We are pleased to announce the opening of a new office in Oxford following several big project wins and positions on major university frameworks – strengthening and evolving our relationships across the region.
Regulate or Fail: Too Passive on PassivHaus
The construction sector contributes to a significant amount of carbon emission – 35% of the total global energy consumption according to the Passivhaus Trust. Backed up by 30 years of evidence, Passivhaus is a sustainability-focused solution enabling builders to redefine the layers of comfort and affordability through energy efficient homes. Our director Neil Foster explores why UK construction is yet to discover Passivhaus’ fullest potential and how building professionals can become net-zero-ready with decarbonisation and green living at the forefront.
Aiding Underprivileged Students with Associated Architects
Leroy Jeffrey has spent over 5 years working to help underprivileged school children in his hometown of St Thomas in Jamaica, by refurbishing laptops and donating them to schools and families.
“For me, education is a right, not a privilege, and so I am eager to do all I can to help aid learning in underprivileged environments. Providing adequate learning materials for children from poorer backgrounds will help them to study more effectively and achieve better results.”
Reflecting on INWED: Celebrating Women Engineers at CPW
International Women in Engineering Day (INWED), is a celebration of the amazing work that female engineers around the world are doing for our built environment. Now in its ninth year, INWED is the only platform of its kind, playing a vital role in encouraging more young women and girls to enter the field of engineering.
Celebrating the Next Generation of CPW Electrical and Mechanical Engineers
As part of our long-standing apprenticeship programme, we wanted to highlight the ongoing achievements of our most recent 12 trainees who joined us across all 11 offices.
Established more than twenty years ago, our apprenticeship programme is committed to nurturing home-grown talent and bridging the skills gap by taking on apprentices straight out of school, college, and university. More than 15 per cent of our workforce is currently part of the apprenticeship program, making up a total of 35 people across a variety of levels, solidifying our investment in the next generation of engineers.
Our Acoustics Department has Officially Launched!
We have launched an all-new acoustics department and appointed two accomplished acousticians. Associate Director Jon Willmott now heads up the newly formed acoustics department, with the support of senior acoustics consultant James Large, in order to meet the growing demand across multiple sectors for acoustic input.
Being a Polish Female Engineer in London: A Q&A with Kamila Wiatr
Diversity is essential to a thriving workplace. A blend of differing cultures, perspectives, and interests will inevitably lead to a more innovative and dynamic way of working. However, women are underrepresented in the engineering industry, accounting for less than 15% of engineers in the UK, the lowest percentage in Europe.
We’ve sat down with Kamila Wiatr, an electrical design engineer in our London team, to discuss her experience as a female engineer from Poland living and engineering in the UK.
National Apprenticeship Week: Q&A with Wayne Eustace
This week we are celebrating National Apprenticeship Week to highlight the incredible trainees we have here at CPW. Established more than twenty years ago, our apprenticeship programme is committed to nurturing home-grown talent and bridging the skills gap by taking on apprentices straight out of school, college, and university.
Director Wayne Eustace, who oversees the program, explains more.
Making Progress in Data Centre Energy Reduction
As with any project that CPW work on, there is never a universal solution when designing data centres.
Read about our approach to tackling some of the most energy-consuming components of data centres here, and how we ensure efficient operation throughout the life of the building.
Bringing the Festive Spirit to our Local Community with SIFA Fireside
This year, we wanted to engage our staff in our goal to make a difference in the local community. As a result, we have been working closely with SIFA Fireside to help support and provide for the homeless and vulnerably housed in Birmingham.
COP26 - 11/11/21
Thursday was built environment day, so I found myself back in the Green Zone to discuss the actions needed by our industry to tackle the climate crisis.
COP26 - 4/11/21
Today was Energy Day, and I found myself back in the Green Zone talking with people who speak my language! From biofuels to wind turbines, every type of energy generation you can think of was represented, with each proponent claiming their own would save the world.
COP26 - 03/11/21
I’ve been carrying out embodied carbon analysis for more than 5 years now, so I was very interested going into events surrounding the impact of construction on the climate. Other companies in the building services industry have been very vocal on how they’ve reduced carbon footprints in real-life projects, and I also had a number of discussions with those attending on how we’ve managed to achieve the same feat in many of our own projects.